
Riz Ahmed

As I was walking off Jimmy Fallon 's after doing a little freestyle rap, he leaned in and said dude, you're in the #1 album &#1 film in the country. I fell silent, nodded and grinned awkwardly.

在Jimmy Fallon的节目上表演了一小段即兴说唱之后,我准备离开的时候他凑近我说,伙计,你现在在这个国家,做着一张专辑,拍着一部电影。我沉默了,点点头,尴尬地笑了笑。

A few days later I was told The Good Immigrant was voted the UK's book of the year, got these award nominations for The Night of, and Swet Shop Boys made a load of ' best of the year' lists. None of this felt real.

几天之后我被告知The Good Immigrant被票选为英国年度最佳书籍,The Night of带给了我许多奖项的提名,Swet Shop Boys在“年度最佳”的榜单上也占据一席之地。所有的事情都太不真实了,好得令人无法置信。

Now I'm back home I saw these pictures I drew at age 7 of Darth & Luke, after watching Empire Strikes Back. I was reimagining these characters 'when they got old', reshaping their world, and nothing about that seemed weird.

现在我回到了家,看着这些关于Darth & Luke的画,我七岁的时候看了那部帝国反击战之后画的。我回想着,这些角色“老了”的时候,依旧在重塑他们的世界,而且一切都是如此自然,没有人觉得奇怪。

But somehow in the years between then and when i myself 'got old', the constant message that someone like me couldn't ever belong, or shape the world around them. had taken hold. I had no road map or template to follow in trying to prove those messages wrong. I started believing them. Only a year ago, for various reasons,I wasn't sure I could carry on doing this. I had a realisation through some really tough moments that we have no control in life. And it got me down.


But then, seeing no other way forwards, I had to embrace this helplessness and through it. Rediscover a sense of childishness, and of play. I finally stopped making things to prove myself to others, and started doing things for my younger self.

And that's when things started connecting with people, when I was working with no expectation of how my work would be received.

When it was play... Most importantly it connected with amazing collaborators. For all my work this year from Englistan, The Nigh Of, Swet Shop Boys, The Good Immigrant Hamilton Mixtape, Star Wars, Bourne, to the OA-I have been privileged to stand on the shoulders of giants. I'm grateful to those whe have allowed me to be a part of their vision and those who were kind enough to watch listen,read, and notice. I hope I can continue to justify your support. I'm incredibly grateful for this moment in time.
当一切开始重回正轨……这一切都跟不可思议的合作人密不可分。我今年的所有作品,从罪夜之奔,侠盗一号和谍影重重,Swet Shop Boys乐队,The Good Immigrant,Hamilton的混音专辑到OA——我何其有幸,可以站在巨人的肩膀上,被允许成为他们美好愿景的一部分,还有那些愿意观看,聆听,阅读和给予关注的人们。希望我可以继续证明你们的支持没有错。我对这一刻的这一切将永远心怀感激。

Walking off Jimmy's chat show that night, I felt as cool as I did in this photo, age 7. But the best part of it wasn't feeling cool, it was feeling like a kid. Keep your inner child alive. Keep dreaming.


